
  • Name: Tyler Webb
  • Birthdate: June 13, 1986
  • Height: 5 feet, 10 inches
  • Place I call home: Phoenix, AZ
  • Born: Omaha, NE
  • Education: B.S. Health & Fitness Studies 2008
  • Pets: A yellow Lab (Tucker)
  • Favorite food: Meat & vegetables (I keep it simple)
  • How I got started in Triathlon: It was 2010 and I was starting to train for my first half-marathon. I quickly got bored with the everyday buildup of miles. I wanted something more to stimulate my body and break up the monotony. I knew a friend and coworker of mine, that had completed her first IronMan. I decided to take the plunge and haven’t looked back since.
  • Dream of winning: Olympic Gold and ITU World Championship
  • Favorite workout: 2 loop bike at South Mountain (about 25 miles of rolling hills) right into an 11.5 mile run (5.75 up the mountain and 5.75 back down)
  • Favorite race: HyVee Triathlon Des Moines, IA (big race in my home state; so lots of support)
  • Favorite training grounds: Arizona mountains and the Chicago lakefront
  • What keeps me going: My will to compete and win. Never giving in to any excuses or outside factors. Always finding a way to succeed.
  • Gives Credit to: My family, my sponsors, my friends and my personal clients.

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